I'm at work at the moment, so unfortunately I got no equipment photo's with me, but I have managed to find a couple of performance pics lying around.
This was at an event for the architecture department at NMMU.
This is us jamming at the Richmond Hill Street music festival earlier this year. The event was really well supported this year, and hopefully will continue for years to come.
I play an Epiphone Les Paul through a Fender Frontman 212R.
I will hopefully be adding a Squire Affinity Tele to my arsenal soon.
As far as effects go, I use the reverb on my amp as well as the overdrive.
I have a Dunlop crybaby, an Ibanez d-7 delay, a Behringer UF100 flanger and a Behringer VT911 tube overdrive.
I plan on acquiring a small clone and tube screamer as soon as my pocket allows it.
I'm enjoying discovering new sounds, and have been playing lots of fingerstyle acoustic lately, and also playing around with open tunings and some rather strange African tunings. Been great fun.