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Epiphone Custom LP
Saw this at the Campus Square Cash Convertors/Crusaders for R1699.00
Dont know if it's a bargain or not, looks in good nick.
They didn't have a decent amp to try it out
An Epiphone Custom for R1699.00 .......... I would be very very suspicious of them. Not because they may have fallen off a truck, but that just does not make sense, at least to me!! But then again .......... who knows, may be ok ????
It looks authentic and feels the right weight....
Will need an Epiphone boff to tell the difference ???
Is it not a black beauty? Thats the only Epi I know of that had the 3 p'up config.
Looks like an odd model or it's been modded? Graphite nut? Black hardware. Not your standard Black Beauty type Epi, eh?
Still that sounds like a very good price unless there's something wrong with it. Maybe the electronics are bust and it won't play so they're selling it cheap? No loss there. Easy and cheap to fix and most people would welcome the chance to do some upgradin' ?
It was a limited edition from 2009 ?
Looks completely standard, except for the nut.
I'd offer them 1.5 and take it ? Looks pretty decent and that's a killer price..
Was gonna go buy it this morning. IT"S GONE, sold yesterday afternoon ......... ?