It's accoustic weirdness day today.
So I dug out and dusted off the old steel-string accoustic lying in the storage room to have a looksee. It belonged to the mrs' mom, it's an oooold thing. "Unisound" brand.... really a cheap 'n nasty looking thing. The thing has a sky-high action, the strings are like elevator cables and are bound to cause tetanus.
Anyway, when I started fiddling with it, the main thing that struck me was that the scale on the fretboard is COMPLETELY out of whack compared to what I'm used to. I forgot to take a pic but will upload it when I get around to it.
I'm used to:
] | |·| |·| |·| |·| | |? | etc
but this thing has something like:
] |·| |·| |? |·| |·| |
Lolwut? ??? ???
The note progression down the fretboard also sounds odd. But I don't have an analog tuner so I have no idea what's what. It has much fewer frets than my electrics.
I'll post a pic as soon as I can but maybe somebody knows what's going on here! ?
EDIT: Here's a pictar! (not quite what I dotted out above but odd nonetheless)