Hi guys.
Some practical advice, please. Are there particulars (RSA) brands of 9v batteries that are more suited to audio equipment than others? I'm referring specifically to cordless microphones and guitars (acoustic-electric or piezo).
I did a function last week for which I borrowed a spiffy Shure wirless microphone system for the MC to use. Did a soundcheck, made sure the MC knew to switch it off when not in use, leave mic on stand between awards, etc, etc. Between sound checks, etc must have only been active for two or three minutes.
When the function started, and all guests and the CEO were seated, MC steps up to welcome all and ... silence! I thought he'd forgot to switch it on. Ran up to podium and saw that low battery light flashing red on the Shure. Swopped it out with another battery and all fine - but embarassing as hell :-[.
I particularly wanted to use a new battery, and bought one of these Eveready Powerplus Gold jobbies:
I should have realised that a R24,99 battery is not as great as the Duracell retailling at R 49,99, but who would have thought that
any battery would run down so dramatically?
I'd also been hearing some fuzzy intermittent type noises on my piezo system, and the last thing I did was to check the battery! New battery in, everythings great. But I'm scared of problems by not having the most reliable battery brand in.
So in the collective GFSA experience, what do you swear by? Is it only
Duracell, or are there other worthy contenders?