Alan Ratcliffe wrote:
Just thinking, I know the Jazzkat amps are popular amongst the jazz fraternity.
- try both a Fender Twin and a Roland JC120. While they are both totally impractical for your application, they are kind of the benchmarks for clean valve and solid state respectively
thanks for input alan, valued as always .. yes aja from the site has a JC120 i have already spoken to him about trying it out and that will happen soon as i get the time........ so if anyone has a twin reverb in pta or jhb let me know ...........
re the jazzkat amps .yes i have been to their site already ..another amp that the jazz forum mention a lot is polytone..... but so far it seems that for a solidstate amp i may as well just buy a really good preamp and use my PA . cos my ears hear solidstate amps as nothing more than a powered PA speaker except it has a dedicated preamp to it , i must say i was quite happy to go the solid state route but that almost accidental use of the valve amp shook up all my thinking ...... and immeadiately i could hear the difference ....and liked that difference. NOT diss'ing solid state amps tho i will always use it on my nylons tried the genz benz 300W compact the other day ...for that purpose but it sounded again no different to my nylon thru my powered speakers
but yeah thanks again and keep the comments and suggestions coming