makepeace wrote:
I had one of these for about 2 years which I sold a couple of months ago to a member of the forum.
As far as guitars go, I would not say it was "good" but rather that it was (for me at least) good for what I intended to use it for, ie to learn the basics of guitar, decide whether I wanted to continue with it and also to experiment with an electric as opposed to an acoustic. I mean - its no Ibanez Prestige, and comparitively - its pretty crusty, but it definately has its uses, and in my opinion, is a good cheap "taster" of what the electric guitar world has to offer.
Depending on your seriousness about continuing with guitar and also your standing regarding the superstition of not getting rid of your first guitar, I would look for a GIO or something similar second hand. You will minimize the loss if you do have the intention to sell it along the line, and you will also pick it up for cheaper than you can get it in the shops. (this is the token bit of advice that everybody will give you on the forum, regarding everything that you might intend to buy ?)
Also, another something to remember about this specific beginner range guitar, is that its geared towards metal players. Its not completely versatile in that respect. Sure it has 5 pickup combos, so you do have a variety of options regarding tone. However, if you are after a guitar to play garden variety music, then I suggest that something like a Squier would be your way to go.
Good luck!
Thanks a lot for the comment. Will be considered.