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Invite Cards for Guitar Forum
This is just a basic business card the members of guitar forum can go and print out, cut out and give to other guitar players as an invite to the website. [u]How to use it:[/u] *I would find it handy, because now i can invite alot more bands to forum if i go to gigs. *Drop it of at your local guitar shop. *Keep a few in your wallet, sometimes you meet guitar players at the strangest places. If you have a color printer that'll be good enough, print it on thicker paper so it wont fold, you can spray a protective layer if you want to. You can also take it to a print shop or even Post Net. It will cost about R20 to print out 10 pages(100 invite cards!!!!) Dont feel obligated to print it out, this is just to get more people involved in music. Thats all folks, this kind of reminds me of the movie "The Postman". The downlaod file is in Pdf format. thanks. https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/attachments.guitartalk/faa9afea49ef2ff029a833cccc778fd0-Guitar%20Forum%20Invite%20Card.pdf
COOL! Thanks Manfred.
Thanks Manny (is it OK if we call you that? Manfred makes me think of the elephant in Ice Age ?)
This means a lot to me. It's great to see you guys so passionate about building the community up!
Manfred makes me think of the elephant in Ice Age
...i get that alot.
Most of my friends call me manny anyway.
got reminded of this thread again today.
anyway, just another super bump.
I'll ask Tanya super-nicely to design a business card around what you posted here. I think it's a good design but needs to be tweaked to be uber-pretty.
Will post high-def printable file here once ready!
Yes, norio, please do that.
I am no graphics designer, i'll stick to playing guitar, hehe.
P.S: i made it in MS word ☹
All sent to wifey, now we just need to wait +- 3 months ?
Just kidding but, with her workload, I might not be kidding. Either way, it will be worth it and, in the meanwhile, we can use the cards you made for us!
Did you cut them with a guillotine or just scissors? Wondering if the shops will do it for us with a guilly.
I just used normal scissors, it took a long time dough, but i am sure if you ask the shop nicely(or the girl behind the counter that is) they will cut it for you.
I have a guillotine if you ever need some paper or carton cut ?
Just thought I'd share my version of it! ? I'm definitely not a designer, but thought it'd be fun to try it out! ?
that looks uber cool ?
Ok this one took me 20min ? I am a bit out of it it seems
That's more or less to size on my monitor ?
Anyone got a gig photo similar to this that I could use?